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[가사/듣기/뮤비] I Miss Myself - NOTD, HRVY

by cheesetabby 2019. 6. 20.


출처 : HRVY 페이스북



HRVY와 함께 작업한 [I Miss Myself]는 어디선가 한 번쯤은 들어봤을 정도로 익숙하고 유명한 곡입니다. 하지만 NOTD라는 그룹은 잘 알려져 있지 않아서 검색해도 정보가 거의 없습니다. 토비아스 다니엘손(Tobias Danielsson), 사무엘 브란트(Samuel Brandt)로 구성된 스웨덴의 프로듀서 그룹으로, 각자 성의 끝 글자인 on과 td에서 따와 뒤집어서 팀명을 지었다고 합니다.




출처 : NOTD 페이스북



두 사람은 사운드 클라우드(Soundcloud)에서 처음 만나 작업을 시작했는데, 알고 보니 두 사람이 같은 고등학교를 다니고 있었다고 합니다. 2016년부터 다른 가수들의 곡들을 편곡해서 발표하다가  2017년 싱글 앨범 [Summer of Love]로 데뷔했습니다.




출처 : NOTD 페이스북



데뷔한 지 얼마 안 돼서 발표한 곡이 몇 곡 없음에도 불구하고 [I Wanna Know]는 유튜브 조회 수 1718만 회를 달성했고
[I Miss Myself]는 110만 회를 기록하며 이름을 알리고 있습니다.




I Miss Myself - Notd, HRVY



[Verse 1]

We need a conversation

I'm runnin' outta patience, patience, you see

You never make an effort

I'm sick of always telling you what I need

So tired of chasing you

It's everything I gotta do

The city is a jungle

Killing all the nice and humble in me, oh yeah




I miss myself, the one I was before I found ya

Who am I now, who am I now when I'm without ya?

I miss myself, the one I was before I found ya

Who am I now, who am I now when I'm without ya?




When I'm without ya

When I'm without ya

When I'm without ya



[Verse 2]

And if I'm being honest

I lost myself in my devotion to you

Don't mean that I don't want ya

(Don't mean that I don't want ya)

I mean I gotta find myself without you

Put my life on pause to be all you want

The city is a jungle

Killing all the nice and humble in me, oh yeah




I miss myself, the one I was before I found ya

Who am I now, who am I now when I'm without ya?

I miss myself, the one I was before I found ya

Who am I now, who am I now when I'm without ya?




When I'm without ya

When I'm without ya

When I'm without ya




And they say two hearts make one heart when both are whole

But two hearts make no heart if one of 'em's broke

Put my life on pause to be anything you want

The city is a jungle

Killing all the nice and humble in me, oh yeah




I miss myself, the one I was before I found ya

Who am I now, who am I now when I'm without ya?

I miss myself, the one I was before I found ya

Who am I now, who am I now when I'm without ya?




When I'm without ya

(When I'm without you)

(When I'm without you)

When I'm without ya

When I'm without ya

When I'm without you




runnin' outta=running out of : ~이 없어지다, ~을 다 써버리다

patience : 참을성

make an effort : 노력하다

sick of : ~에 신물이 난

chase : 뒤쫓다

humble : 겸손한


devotion : 헌신, 몰두

on pause : 일시 중단된 상태로


whole : 온전한






I Miss Myself 공식 뮤직 비디오




