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[가사/듣기/뮤비] Sign Of The Times - Harry Styles

by cheesetabby 2019. 6. 25.


출처 : Harry Styles 페이스북


해리 스타일스(Harry Styles)는 영국의 보이 밴드 원 디렉션(One Direction)의 메인 보컬입니다. 사이먼 코웰 Simon Cowell)이 영국 오디션 프로그램 [엑스 팩터 시즌 7]에 참가한 5명을 모아 구성된 밴드입니다. 원 디렉션은 2010년 7월 23일 결성되어, 2011년 9월에 데뷔했습니다. 원 디렉션이란 이름은 팀의 막내인 해리 스타일스가 지었는데, 출신, 나이, 가치관이 다른 멤버들이 One Direction (하나의 목표)로 뭉치길 바란다는 의미에서 지어졌다고 합니다.




출처 : Harry Styles 페이스북



2011년 데뷔 이후 그룹 원 디렉션으로 활동하던 해리 스타일스는 2017년 5월, 1집 [Harry Styles]를 발매해 솔로 활동을 시작했습니다. 솔로 앨범 전곡을 해리가 직접 작사, 작곡했다고 합니다.




출처 : Harry Styles 페이스북



[Sign Of The Times]가 팬들 사이에서는 원 디렉션의 사진작가이자 해리의 절친으로, 2016년에 자살한 맷 어윈(Matt Irwin)을 기리는 노래라는 소문이 있습니다. 하지만 해리는 인터뷰에서 '출산 중에 목숨이 위태로워 시간이 얼마 남지 않았을 때 어머니 입장에서 아이에게 해주는 메시지'를 담은 곡이라고 밝혔습니다. 




Sign Of The Times - Harry Styles



[Verse 1]

Just stop your crying

It’s a sign of the times

Welcome to the final show

Hope you’re wearing your best clothes

You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky

You look pretty good down here

But you ain't really good




If we never learn we been here before

Why are we always stuck and running from

The bullets

The bullets

We never learn we been here before

Why are we always stuck and running from

The bullets

The bullets




Just stop your crying

It’s a sign of the times

We gotta get away from here

We gotta get away from here

Just stop your crying

It will be alright

They told me that the end is near

We gotta get away from here




[Verse 2]

Just stop crying

Have the time of your life

Breaking through the atmosphere

And things are pretty good from here

Remember everything will be alright

We can meet again somewhere

Somewhere far away from here




If we never learn we been here before

Why are we always stuck and running from

The bullets

The bullets

We never learn we been here before

Why are we always stuck and running from

The bullets

The bullets




Just stop your crying

It’s a sign of the times

We gotta get away from here

We gotta get away from here

Just stop your crying

Baby it will be alright

They told me that the end is near

We gotta get away from here




If we never learn we been here before

Why are we always stuck and running from

The bullets

The bullets

We never learn we been here before

Why are we always stuck and running from

The bullets

The bullets




We don't talk enough

We should open up

Before it's all too much

Will we ever learn

We've been here before

It's just what we know




Stop your crying baby

It’s a sign of the times

We gotta get away

We got to get away

We got to get away

We got to get away

We got to get away

We got to we got to run

We got to we got to run

We got to we got to run




bribe : 뇌물을 주다

on your way to something : ~로 가는 길

ain't=am/is/are not의 축약형


stuck : 꼼짝 못하는, 갇힌

get away from : ~에서 도망치다


break through : ~을 뚫고 나아가다

atmosphere : 대기, 공기

alright=all right : 괜찮은

somewhere : 어딘가에서


open up : 마음을 터놓다

all : 아주, 몹시

all too : 너무나도

run : 흐르다





Sign Of T he T imes 공식 뮤직 비디오




