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[가사/듣기/뮤비] Complicated - Rihanna

by cheesetabby 2019. 6. 29.


출처 : Rihanna 페이스북



리한나는 카리브해의 섬나라 바베이도스 출신의 가수입니다. 16세에 바베이도스로 휴가를 왔던 프로듀서의 눈에 들어 미국으로 가 오디션을 보게 되었습니다.




출처 : Rihanna 페이스북



데뷔 이래 거의 1~2년에 하나 꼴로 앨범을 내 크게 성공하게 되었습니다. 2016년 8집 이후로는 새 앨범은 나오지 않고 있고 현재는 화장품, 란제리 사업에 열중하고 있다고 합니다.




출처 : Rihanna 페이스북



리한나는 그동안 동양인에 대한 인종차별 논란이 많았습니다. 5집 [Loud]의 마지막 싱글 [Cheers] 뮤비에서 카르쉐 트란(크리스 브라운의 새 여자친구)을 비꼬기 위해 동양인 차별 행위인 Chinky eyes를 했으며, 리아나의 수록곡 [Birthday cake]에 'Come, come and get it. Sweeter than the rice cake' 라는 가사가 등장하는데, 이 또한 인종차별적인 가사라고 합니다. 'Rice cake'는 베트남계 및 아시아인을 비하하는 의미로 쓰는 슬랭입니다.




Complicated - Rihanna




You're not easy to love

You're not easy to love, no-oh

You’re not easy to love

You’re not easy to love, no-oh


Why is everything with you so complicated?

Why do you make it hard to love you

Oh I hate it?

Cos if you really wanna be alone

I would throw my hands up cos baby I tried

But everything with you is so complicated

Oh why (Oh why)?



[Verse 1]

Sometimes I get you

Sometimes I don’t understand

Sometimes I love you

Sometimes it's you I can't stand

Sometimes I wanna hug you

Sometimes I wanna push you away

Most times I wanna kiss you

Other times put you (in your place)

Cos every minute you start switching up

And you say things like you don't give a fuck

Then I say I'm through with you

Take my heart from you

And you come running after me and baby I'm back with you




Oh, you're not easy to love

You're not easy to love, no-oh

You’re not easy to love

You’re not easy to love, no-oh


Why is everything with you so complicated?

Why do you make it hard to love you

Oh I hate it?

Cos if you really wanna be alone

I would throw my hands up cos baby I tried

But everything with you is so complicated

Oh why (Oh why)?



[Verse 2]

Sometimes I catch you

Sometimes you get away

Sometimes I read you

Other times I’m like where are you on the page

Sometimes I feel like we will be together forever

But you’re so complicated

My heart knows better




Why is everything with you so complicated?

Why do you make it hard to love you

Oh I hate it?

Cos if you really wanna be alone

I would throw my hands up cos baby I tried

But everything with you is so complicated

Oh why (Oh why)?




I'ma stick around just a little while longer

Just to make sure that you’re really sure

You like sleeping alone

I'ma stick around just a little while longer

Just to make sure that you’re really sure

You like sleeping alone




Why is everything with you so complicated?

Why do you make it hard to love you

Oh I hate it?

Cos if you really wanna be alone

I would throw my hands up cos baby I tried

But everything with you is so complicated

Oh why (Oh why)?



You're not easy to love

You're not easy to love, no-oh

You're not easy to love

You're not easy to love, no-oh




complicated : 복잡한


wanna=want to

throw up one's hands : 단념하다, 내던지다


get : 이해하다

stand : 참다, 견디다

push away : 밀어내다

switch : 바뀌다

not give a fuck  : ~에 대해서는 눈곱만큼도 신경 안 쓴다

through with : ~와 관계를 끊고

run after somebody : 붙잡기 위해 ~를 뒤쫓다


get away (from) : ~에게서 떠나다

read : ~의 생각을 읽다


I'ma=I'm going to : ~할 것이다

stick around : 머무르다, 가지 않고 있다

a little while : 꽤 오랫동안

make sure : ~을 확실히 하다





Rihanna 공식 유튜브




