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[가사/듣기/뮤비] I don't Care - Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber

by cheesetabby 2019. 8. 14.


출처 : Ed Sheeran 페이스북



영국의 싱어송라이터로서 풀네임은 'Edward Christopher Sheeran'입니다. 런던 북동부의 프램링엄(Framlingham)에서 자랐습니다. 집안 전체가 예술 계통에서 일하고 있습니다. 아버지는 박물관 큐레이터로 활동했고, 어머니는 아트 컨설팅 회사를 설립해 현재 보석 디자이너로 활동 중입니다. 형은 TV와 영화 등에 사용되는 클래식 음악 작곡가입니다. 


에드 시런 또한 어릴 때부터 피아노와 첼로 등을 배웠으며 13살부터 버스킹을 하기 시작했습니다. 2005년부터 녹음 작업을 시작했고 2008년에 런던으로 이사하면서 본격적인 커리어를 쌓습니다. 2011년 첫 메이저 싱글 [The A Team]을 발표하면서 영국 차트 싱글 부분 3위까지 올랐으며, 첫 정규 앨범인 [+]가 영국에서 크게 히트를 쳐서 200만 장 이상 팔리게 되었습니다.




출처 : Ed Sheeran 페이스북



현재는 아델과 함께 영국을 대표하는 솔로 가수로서 자리매김하게 되었습니다. [Shape of Ypu]와 [Perfect]가 빌보트 차트 1위를 기록했습니다. 2015년 그래미 어워드에서 세 개 부문에 후보로 올랐지만 수상을 모두 실패했는데, 2016년 그래미 어워드에서 [Thinking Out Loud]가 올해의 노래 부문에 올라 수상하게 되었습니다. [Shape of You]와  [Photograph]가 표절 논란이 일어나 합의를 한 적이 있습니다. [Thinking Out Loud]는 저작자들과 합의를 해서 공동 작곡자로 등재했다고 합니다.




출처 : Ed Sheeran 페이스북



2017년 [÷]가 공개되면서 첫날 판매량이 23만 장을 기록했습니다. 영국에서 역대 남자 솔로 아티스트 중 최고 초동 판매량을 기록했습니다. 빌보드에서도 초동 판매량 32만 장을 기록해 1위를 차지했습니다. 2017년 6월에 서훈 명단에서 5등급 대영제국 훈장(MBE) 수훈자로 선정되어서 에드 시런 이름 뒤에는 'MBE'가 붙게 되었습니다. 투어도 엄청 뛰고 있는데 투어 일정만 250회를 넘길 정도로 대규모입니다. 이 투어로 에드 시런은 'U2'와 '콜드 플레이'에 이어서 3번째로 가장 많은 투어 성적을 올린 가수가 되었습니다. 2019년 4월 내한해서 '인천 송도 달빛축제공원'에서 공연을 했으며, 싸이의 7집 앨범에도 참여한 적이 있습니다. 




I don't Care - Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber



[Verse 1 : Ed Sheeran]

I’m at a party I don’t wanna be at

And I don’t ever wear a suit and tie, yeah

Wondering if I can sneak out the back

Nobody is even looking at me in my eyes

And then you take my hand

Finish my drink, say, "shall we dance?" (Hell, yeah)

You know I love you, did I ever tell you?

You make it better like that



[Pre-Chorus : Ed Sheeran]

Don’t think I fit in at this party

Everyone’s got so much to say (Yeah)

I always feel like I’m nobody, mmm

Who wants to fit in anyway



[Chorus : Ed Sheeran]

'Cause I don’t care when I’m with my baby, yeah

All the bad things disappear

And you making me feel like maybe I am somebody

I can deal with the bad nights

When I’m with my baby yeah

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)


'Cause I don’t care

As long as you just hold me near

You can take me anywhere

And you making me feel like I’m loved by somebody

I can deal with the bad nights

When I’m with my baby, yeah

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)



[Verse 2 : Justin Bieber]

We at a party we don’t wanna be at

Tryna talk, but we can’t hear ourselves

Read your lips I’d rather kiss ‘em right back

With all these people all around

I’m crippled with anxiety

But I’m told its where I’m supposed to be

You know what?

It’s kind of crazy 'cause I really don’t mind

When you make it better like that



[Pre-Chorus : Justin Bieber]

Don’t think I fit in at this party

Everyone’s got so much to say (Oh, yeah, yeah)

When we walked in I said I’m sorry, mmm

But now I think that we should stay



[Chorus : Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber]

'Cause I don’t care when I’m with my baby, yeah

All the bad things disappear

Yeah, you making me feel that maybe I am somebody

I can deal with the bad nights

When I’m with my baby, yeah

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)


'Cause I don’t care, as long as you just hold me near

You can take me anywhere

And you making me feel like I’m loved by somebody

I can deal with the bad nights

When I’m with my baby, yeah

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, no)



[Bridge :  Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber]

I don’t like nobody,

But it's like you’re the only one here

I don’t like nobody but you, baby, I don’t care

I don’t like nobody but you, I hate everyone here

I don’t like nobody but you, baby, yeah



[Chorus : Ed Sheeran & Justin Bieber]

'Cause I don’t care (Don't care)

When I’m with my baby, yeah (Oh, yeah)

All the bad things disappear (Desappear)

And you making me feel that maybe I am somebody

(Maybe I am somebody)

I can deal with the bad nights

(With the bad nights)

When I’m with my baby, yeah

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)

(Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah)


'Cause I don’t care, as long as you just hold me near (Me near)

You can take me anywhere (Anywhere, anywhere) And you making me feel like I’m loved by somebody (I’m loved by somebody, yeah, yeah, yeah)

I can deal with the bad nights

When I’m with my baby, yeah (No)

(Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh)




sneak out : 슬쩍 나가다

back : 뒤쪽

even : ~조차

fit in : ~와 어울리다

has got to : ~해야 한다

anyway : 하여간, 어쨌든


deal with : 처리하다, 다루다

as long as : ~하는 한은

would rather ~ (than) :  ~하기보다는 차라리 ~하고 싶다

'em = them

right back : 곧바로, 곧장

cripple : 좌절시키다, 무능하게 만들다, 무기력하게 하다

be crippled with : ~로 꼼짝 못하다, ~로 좌절되다

anxiety : 불안, 염려

be supposed to : ~라고 한다, ~해야 한다





I don't Care 공식 뮤직비디오
