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[가사/듣기/뮤비] Do you think about me - Benjamin Ingrosso

by cheesetabby 2020. 2. 5.


출처 : Benjamin Ingrosso 페이스북



이번에 소개할 가수는 스웨덴 출신의 '벤자민 인그로소(Benjamin Ingrosso)'입니다. 아버지는 댄서이고 엄마는 스웨덴의 유명 가수라 24세의 젊은 나이에도 출중한 음악 실력을 갖추고 있습니다. 2006년에 스웨덴 음악 경연 프로그램에서, 2014년에는 스웨덴 댄스 경연에서 우승을 했습니다.




출처 : Benjamin Ingrosso 페이스북




Do you think about me - Benjamin Ingrosso





Do you think about me?


Do you really think about me?



[Verse 1]

Do you think about me, when you wake up?

Do you think about me, when the two of you make love?

Is it me that you see when you're by yourself

Or does he make you feel like you've never felt?



[Pre-Chorus 1]

Aaah, do you think about me

I just want to know




Ooooh, do you think about me?

Ooooh, I mean really think about me, anymore?

I wish I didn't miss you but I'd lie to you

We're better together, not alone

Ooooh, do you really think about me at all?



[Verse 2]

I've been drinking 'bout you, almost every night

I wonder what would happen, if called you to say "Hi"?

Would you yell, "Go to hell" and hang up the phone?

Or suggest that we met somewhere alone?



[Pre-Chorus 2]

Cause I've been trying to figure it out

But I'm so lost without you

I really wanna know




Ooooh, do you think about me?

Ooooh, I mean really think about me, anymore?

I wish I didn't miss you but I'd lie to you

We're better together, not alone

Ooooh, do you really think about me at all?




Is it me that you see when you touch yourself?

Or does he make you feel, feel like you've never felt?




Ooooh, do you think about me?

Ooooh, I mean really think about me, anymore?

I wish I didn't miss you but I'd lie to you

We're better together, not alone

Ooooh, do you really think about me at all?




two of you : 너희 두명

by yourself : 혼자

make somebody feel ~ : ~한 기분을 느끼게 하다


I mean : 다시 말해, 무슨 말이냐면

anymore: 이제는, 더 이상은 (수량을 나타낼 경우 any more)        

at all : 조금도 ~아니다


wonder what would happen if ~ : ~한다면 어떤 일이 벌어질지 궁금하다

hang up : 전화를 끊다


figure out : ~을 생각해내다, ~을 알아내다

I'm so lost : 정신을 놓다, 정신을 못차리다





Do you think about me 공식 뮤직비디오
