크리스 탐린(Chris Tomlin)은 72년생의 40대 후반의 CCM 가수입니다. 미국 텍사스 주 출신으로 11살 때부터 음악적인 소질이 두드러졌습니다. [6 Steps Music]라는 기독교 찬양팀을 만들고 직접 작사, 작곡하며 [How Great Is Our God],
[Forever] 등을 발표했습니다. 찬양팀을 인도하면서 신앙을 키워나갔으며 로스앤젤레스, 샌프란시스코, 휴스턴, 멕시코시티, 위니펙 등 북아메리카 지역의 도시를 순회하며 찬양을 통해 전도활동을 하고 있습니다.
Resurrection Power - Chris Tomlin
[Verse 1]
You called me from the grave by name
You called me out of all my shame
I see the old has passed away
The new has come
Now, I have resurrection power living on the inside
Jesus, You have given us freedom
No longer bound by sin and darkness
Living in the light of Your goodness
You have given us freedom
[Verse 2]
I'm dressed in Your royalty
Your Holy Spirit lives in me
I see my past has been redeemed
The new has come
Now, I have resurrection power living on the inside
Jesus, You have given us freedom
No longer bound by sin and darkness
Living in the light of Your goodness
You have given us freedom
Freedom, You have given us freedom
You have given us freedom
My chains are gone
Freedom, You have given us freedom
You have given us freedom
Freedom, You have given us freedom
You have given us freedom
My chains are gone
Freedom, You have given us freedom
You have given us freedom
Now, I have resurrection power
living on the inside
And I'm no longer bound by sin and darkness
Living in the light of Your goodness
You have given us freedom
Now, I have resurrection power living on the inside
Jesus, You have given us freedom
And I'm no longer bound by sin and darkness
Living in the light of Your goodness
You have given us freedom (You set me free)
I have resurrection power (You set me free)
Living on the inside, living on the inside
No longer bound by sin and darkness (You set me free)
You have given us freedom
You have given us freedom
call out of : ~에서 불러내다, 끌어내다
shame : 수치심
the old = old people
old : 이전의
pass away : 사망하다, 사라지다, 없어지다
resurrection : 그리스도의 부활
live on : 존재하다, 계속 살다
bound by : 얽매여 있는
sin : 죄, 죄악
darkness : 어둠, 악
goodness : 선량함
dress in : ~을 입다
royal : 장엄한, 성대한
Holy Spirit : 성령
past : 과거, 지난날
redeem : 죄악으로부터 구하다, 구원하다
chain : 속박, 구속
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