Bethel Music2 반응형 [가사/해석/듣기] Brandon Lake & Bethel Music - Too Good To Not Believe Brandon Lake & Bethel Music - Too Good To Not Believe [Intro] Yeah-yeah I've seen Your power 나는 주의 능력을 보았습니다 And I’ve seen You heal 주께서 치유하심을 보았습니다 [Verse 1] I’ve lived stories that have proved Your faithfulness 나는 주의 신실하심을 증명하는 이야기 속에서 살아왔습니다 I’ve seen miracles my mind can’t comprehend 머리로 다 이해하지 못한 기적들을 보았습니다 There is beauty in what I can’t understand 내가 다 이해하지 못한 것들 가운데 아름다움이 있습니다 Jesus it’s .. 2021. 9. 28. [가사/듣기/뮤비] Bethel Music - One Thirst Bethel Music - One Thirst [Verse 1] You say to us, "Seek Your face" Our hearts reply, "Your face we seek" And come teach us Lord, reveal Your ways Anoint us for the greater things [Chorus] We have gathered with one thirst and hunger We are here to drink of glory and wonder Here to cry out, "Come and fill this place!" Come and fill this place [Verse 2] And our single wish, our sole desire To gaze.. 2020. 10. 6. 이전 1 다음