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[가사/해석/듣기] Jonathan & Emily Martin - Set Your Eyes Jonathan & Emily Martin - Set Your Eyes [Verse 1] O, my soul lift your eyes 내 영혼아 눈을 들어라 The Son of God has been crucified 하나님의 아들이 십자가에 매달려 죽으셨습니다 O, my soul lift your eyes to your salvation 내 영혼은 당신의 구원으로 눈을 들어 올립니다 O, my soul lift your head 내 영혼아 머리를 들어라 The weight of sin has been nailed to Him 죄악의 짐은 그가 십자가에 못 박으셨습니다 O, my soul lift your head to your salvation 내 영혼은 당신의 구원으로 고개를 듭니다 *crucify.. 2021. 10. 9.
[가사/해석/듣기] The Belonging Co - Every Victory The Belonging Co - Every Victory [Verse 1] We will lift our eyes, we won't fear the fight 눈을 들어 올립니다. 우린 싸움을 두려워하지 않아요 There is One who's stronger 더 강하신 분이 계시기에 Hard pressed on each side, we will not lose sight 사방에서 짓눌려도, 우리는 우리의 시야를 잃지 않을 거예요 Of the One who's greater 더 위대하신 분 *hard pressed on every(each) side : 한 가운데를 중심으로 사면에서 몇 겹으로 둘러싸다. ‘압착하다’, ‘누르다’로, 압착기로 눌러 기름을 짜는 듯한 혹독한 고통을 상징한다(고후 4:8 /.. 2021. 10. 7.
[가사/해석/듣기] Brandon Lake & Bethel Music - Too Good To Not Believe Brandon Lake & Bethel Music - Too Good To Not Believe [Intro] Yeah-yeah I've seen Your power 나는 주의 능력을 보았습니다 And I’ve seen You heal 주께서 치유하심을 보았습니다 [Verse 1] I’ve lived stories that have proved Your faithfulness 나는 주의 신실하심을 증명하는 이야기 속에서 살아왔습니다 I’ve seen miracles my mind can’t comprehend 머리로 다 이해하지 못한 기적들을 보았습니다 There is beauty in what I can’t understand 내가 다 이해하지 못한 것들 가운데 아름다움이 있습니다 Jesus it’s .. 2021. 9. 28.
[가사/해석/듣기] Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone Kari Jobe - I Am Not Alone [Verse 1] When I walk through deep waters I know that you will be with me When I'm standing in the fire I will not be overcome Through the valley of the shadow Oh I will not fear *overcome : 극복하다, 압도당하다, 꼼작 못하게 되다 valley : 계곡, 골짜기 shadow : 어둠, 그림자 fear : 두려워하다 [Chorus] I am not alone I am not alone You will go before me You will never leave me (X2) *go before : 먼저 가다 [.. 2021. 9. 21.
[가사/해석/듣기] Michael Ketterer & Influence Music - Spirit Lead Me Spirit Lead Me - Michael Ketterer & Influence Music [Verse 1] This is my worship This is my offering In every moment I withhold nothing I'm learning to trust You Even when I can't see it And even in suffering I have to believe it *worship : 예배, 숭배 offering : 제물 withhold : 숨기다, 감추다 [Chorus] If You say "it's wrong", then I'll say "no" If You say "release", I'm letting go If You're in it with me, I.. 2021. 9. 17.
[가사/듣기/뮤비] Bethel Music - One Thirst Bethel Music - One Thirst [Verse 1] You say to us, "Seek Your face" Our hearts reply, "Your face we seek" And come teach us Lord, reveal Your ways Anoint us for the greater things [Chorus] We have gathered with one thirst and hunger We are here to drink of glory and wonder Here to cry out, "Come and fill this place!" Come and fill this place [Verse 2] And our single wish, our sole desire To gaze.. 2020. 10. 6.
[가사/듣기] Hillsong Worship - What A Beautiful Name What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship [Verse 1] You were the Word at the beginning One With God the Lord Most High Your hidden glory in creation Now revealed in You our Christ [Chorus] What a beautiful Name it is What a beautiful Name it is The Name of Jesus Christ my King What a beautiful Name it is Nothing compares to this What a beautiful Name it is The Name of Jesus [Verse 2] You didn't w.. 2020. 9. 18.