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[가사/해석/듣기] A$ton Wyld - Next Level (분노의 질주 : 홉스&쇼 OST) / Next Level 원곡

by cheesetabby 2021. 9. 17.


출처 : 다음 영화





A$ton Wyld - Next Level (분노의 질주 홉스&쇼 OST)

[Verse 1]
I'm on the next level, yeah
I know you heard about it
You know I'm 'bout it-bout it
And don't you ever doubt it
I'm incomparable
That's what they stare on yo'
Turn off the stereo
Check it out, check it out, check it out

*incomparable : 비교할 수 없는
stare on : 빤히 쳐다보다
turn off : 끄다
check + Sth + out : ~을 확인하다

Ooh ah ooh way
I make just like a sauna
New York to California
Too hot, too hot
Ooh ah ooh way (Hey)
You ain't seen nothin' (Hey) like this
Nobody do it (Hey) like this (This, this, this)

I'm on the next level
Next, next, next level
On the next level
They all tryna catch up to my…
Next level
Next, next, next level
On the next level
Check it out, check it out, check it out

*tryna : trying to
catch up : 따라잡다

La la la la la la (Ha)
La la la la la la
La la la la la la
La la la la la

[Verse 2]
You like that old school (La)
Back in the museum
That s**t is old (Old) news
I'm poppin' through the ceilin'
That's my model, that's my model
I lead, they follow

*old school : 구식의, 전통적인
pop : 휙 들어오다, 불쑥 움직이다
ceiling : ~의 최대 한계, 천장
model : 본보기, 훌륭한 사례, 시범

I'm about to break it down
Watch me while I work it out
Watch me while I work it out
Watch me while I work it out
Watch me while I work it out
Work it, work it, work it out

*about to : 막 ~하려는 참이다
breack + Sth + down : ~을 부수다, (감정 태도를) 깨부수다
work + Sth + out : ~을 해결하다, 생각해내다

Ooh ah ooh way
I make just like a sauna
New York to California
Too hot, too hot
Ooh ah ooh way (Hey)
You ain't seen nothin' (Hey) like this (Like this) (Hey)
Nobody do it like this

I'm on the next level
Next, next, next level
On the next level
They all tryna catch up to my…
Next level
Next, next, next level
On the next level
Check it out, check it out, check it out


Next Level 원곡 듣기


